May 21, 2024 | Darren Scholl | 562 views
GMBA Team Picture Day!
Back by popular demand, team picture day May 28th 2024!
Dear Goderich Seahawk Members,
We are excited to announce that our team picture day is scheduled for May 28th 2024, which is just around the corner. We apologize for the short notice, but this date has been coordinated to ensure it works for all teams and our photographer - Picture Day Photography.
The pictures will be taken at the Kinsmen Centre, located at 85 Keays St, Goderich. Please ensure all players arrive ON TIME in their full uniforms for the pictures.
To streamline the process, you can order picture packages ahead of time by visiting Our organizational link will be added for you to purchase picture packages prior to the photo day.
Below is the schedule for picture times:
- 4:45 PM - U7 Fastball Girls
- 5:00 PM - Rally Cap Baseball
- 5:15 PM - U13 Lime Girls
- 5:30 PM - U9 Black Baseball
- 5:45 PM - U7 Baseball
- 6:00 PM - U13 Green Baseball
- 6:15 PM - U9 Fastball Girls
- 6:30 PM - U9 Green Baseball
- 6:45 PM - U11 Green Baseball
- 7:00 PM - U11 Black Baseball
- 7:15 PM - U21 Fastball Girls
- 7:30 PM - U13 Black Baseball
- 7:45 PM - U13 Lemon Girls
- 8:00 PM - U15 Lime Girls
- 8:15 PM - U15 Black Baseball
- 8:30 PM - U15 Lemon Girls
- 8:45 PM - U15 Green Baseball
We look forward to seeing all our players looking their best for the team photos!
Best regards,
Darren Scholl
Goderich Seahawk Baseball