Jul 03, 2012 | mrusselo | 1020 views
...And then something "clicked"...
Although the end score may not reflect it, the Goderich Mosquito Grey squad scored a giant W, with their teammates, coaches, and parents, in Mitchell tonight.
Tonight, the mosquito squad traveled to Mitchell with one thing on their mind...to play ball, and play ball is exactly what they did. From the opening pitch, to the last batter, this group of players never gave up against a well matched opposing Mitchell team. Solid pitching, fielding, and batting kept the game close, with several breath holding plays that only increased the excitement.
With Mitchell holding the lead after 3 innings, and time running short, the Mosquito Grey team went on the offensive, placing runners in scoring position quickly and closing the gap on Mitchell's lead. Unfortunately, the Mosquito's were to be denied by 1 run, after the top of the fourth inning, ultimately ending the game in Mitchell's favor.
Irregardless of the final score, the Goderich Mosquito Grey squad sent the message out that they have begun to come together as a team, with first rate behavior towards the game and sportsmanship. Their next stop is Grand Bend on Friday night and we hope to see the same team spirit and focus that was more than apparent tonight. Great job Mosquito Grey!