As a Team...for the Team, News, Mosquito Grey, 2012 (Goderich Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 29, 2012 | mrusselo | 1039 views
As a Team...for the Team
     The Tier 2 Mosquitos visited Hanover this weekend, for their annual tourament, and yet again won the hearts of their parents and coaches.  As well, they unknowingly created their new slogan.

     The team came out of the gate a little slower than expected, in their first game against Mitchell. Regular season had shown them as an equal match, but fate, and a much improved Mitchell squad, soon took over, and at midway had a commanding lead.  Strong pitching kept the Seahawks within breathing distance for the first two innings, but the bats just couldn't catch up, and ultimately Mitchell took the game.
     Game 2 brought a new look to the Seahawks, with Hailey S making her pitching debut.  With a team mindset to win their game, the Mosquitos brought a solid defence to the field and managed to hold the hometown Hanover team within their grasp. Fighting hard, the Seahawks bats came alive but wound up just short in the end, with Hanover taking a close victory.
     The Goderich squad then moved into their final game against Kincardine and brought with them another renewal of energy.  If the two previous games had any effect on our squad, it was certainly positive, as there was no mistaking the determination burning in them.  The Seahawk bats didn't take a break from Game 2, and they came out with a quick 5 run lead.  The Cardinals responded with a 3 run bottom of the inning, giving the Goderich group an extra boost in confidence.  The score tightened, but again, a very committed defence, that saw our outfielders making crucial plays, the infield putting a lock on Kincardine's base runners, and a pitching/catching group that lit up the diamond, saw Goderich with a one point lead heading into the bottom of the last inning.  With victory in sight, the Seahawks closed their grip even tighter, however the Cardinals managed to slip two runs through to end the game, on a very exciting tone.
     This group of ball players had everybody on the edge of their seat, and didn't give up through the entire day. They gave us the perfect "finals" game that anyone could ask for. They came together again as a team, but this time, for the sake of their team.  So many amazing plays were provided for the parents and players to remember, and in our minds, they were the winners of the day!

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