Did you miss ball registration?, News, Girls Fastball (U15) - Select (Goderich Minor Baseball)

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Organization | Feb 16, 2023 | Jeff Squire | 4681 views
Did you miss ball registration?
Did you miss ball registration?  Thank you to everyone who has registered for the 2023 season!

Our registration numbers are very strong for the upcoming season.  The executive will be planning the upcoming season over the next month and further communications will follow then. 

We have limited roster space left in some team categories.  We are accepting some late registrations on a first come/first served basis. 

We are opening up late registration for some age groups which have very limited roster space left on a first come/first serve basis:
For Baseball:
Rally Cap (2018)
U7 (2016/2017)
U13 (2010/2011)
U15 (2008/2009)
U18 (2005/2006/2007)
For Girls Softball:
U7 Timbits Skill Development (2016 and under)
U9 (2014/2015) Skills Development
U11 (2012/2013)
U15 (2008/2009)
U17 (2006/2007)
U21 (2002/2003/2004/2005)
The following team categories are full and are waitlist only (please email [email protected]) if you want to be placed on the waitlist:
U9 (2014/2015)
U11 (2012/2013)
Girls Softball
U13 (2010/2011)