Jun 14, 2012 | Steve Hewitt | 953 views
Great Game in Ilderton!!!
The Pee Wee Seahawks traveled to Ilderton to play their very strong Team.
The last time the D#2 Seahawks played Ilderton A, the result was 18-1 in favour of Ilderton and this time around the Seahawks gave them a much better game coming away with a 12-5 loss, but the score was an exciting 6-5 game going into the final inning!
Tanner M pitched an amazing game along with some excellent catching by Tyson C as they lead the way for a much improved Seahawk Defense with only giving up 3 errors in our game. Timely hitting off the strong Ilderton Lefty Nick D, brought us within 1 run heading into the last inning where Ilderton came up and closed the game with a 6 run effort in their home half.
Overall a great team effort by the Seahawks and we look forward to our next game in St Mary's this coming Saturday
Go Seahawks!!!!