Volunteers are the LifeBlood of GMBA!!!!, News (Goderich Minor Baseball)

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Aug 17, 2016 | Steve Hewitt | 1679 views
Volunteers are the LifeBlood of GMBA!!!!
Goderich Minor Baseball would like to extend a HUGE thank you to all of the On & Off Field Volunteers for this successful Baseball Season!!!!!

Without Volunteers, there would be no Baseball or any Sports for that matter in our or any Community in Canada! So a huge thank you is extended for the many hours that are put in on and off the field for the sake of the players in our Organization!!!!

In GMBA, we have a fantastic and very dedicated Executive in place and we are looking to add new members with new ideas and new ways to promote our game in the Community. Our next Meeting is on Aug 31st in the Libro Meeting room at 7:00pm and if you are interested in joining our group, please email [email protected] with your intent. Also if you have questions, feel free to call Steve Hewitt at 519-955-1977 to further discuss.
